Sunday, February 7, 2010


Ok, so I know I completely suck at blogging. But to be honest, nothing really interesting has happened. Ok, so that's not completely true... a lot of interesting stuff has happened but I just have been too lazy to blog....

After Christmas, my mother and sister came to visit! We had a great time in Namur and on our excursions as well! They met my host family and one of my good friends, Kamil. Everyone got along great, so there were no problems there. They even got to live through one of my typical confused-exchange-student experiences on New Years Eve! You see, they were invited to a party by my host parents, which I believed was at my house... but as it turned out, when they arrived we learned t
hat we were actually going to another town to their close friends house, AND spending the night! Everything turned out fine though and we had a wonderful time! ...Now, I could go into detail about their trip, but instead, I'll direct you to my mother's blog (it's a link) of the trip. She has daily posts that are sure to be more eloquent and informative than anything that I could muster up!

So let's see... after they left, there was...January. January was rather barren, to say the least. Actually, it was more than that. I'm just gonna come out and say it plainly; January SUCKED! It was probably the most emotional month for me thus far, to the point where the thought of coming home actually crossed my mind for the first time. But anyways, I was just a mess and I don't really want to talk about it...

February! Now February, what a great month this is so far! You could say I've had a renaissance after my January crash. Actually, it's been pretty average, but I guess everything just seems better after being so terrible.

Last weekend was the AFS Mid-Stay camp thing. I took a train out to I-don't-know-where and stayed in this big place out in the woods. It was pretty fun actually! We spent waaaay too much time talking about our feelings and playing awkward games but it was nice seeing everyone again (even though I didn't recognize most! Whoops!) and I met a lot of new people. I had bundles of fun!
Here's a bonus picture of some of my exchange student friends:

left to right is Kelly (New Zealand), Jade (New Zealand), Me, Henriette (Norway)
I actually don't even know Henriette but she seems cool, and I love her face in this picture! haha.

So in other news, the weather still sucks (snow, snow, more snow, rain, cold, and snow) but it's almost Spring so I'm being optimistic! I should be though, I have a lot to look forward to! London in less than a week now, Morocco in late March, several parties, a few concerts and some much missed sunshine! I can honestly say that I'm so excited for these next few months. They're gonna be great! =)

oh, and I love Belgium!!!

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