Thursday, August 27, 2009

I went to France, no big deal.

Last night at dinner, my host mom said we were going to go the beach the next day. Excited, I responded with "Oh in Flanders?" (Northern Belgium) and she said "No, I think we'll go to France." The way she said it was  as if she were saying "I think i'll go to the grocery store today." Her nonchalant manner in which she spoke of going to another country for the day was difficult for me to fathom. Man, I love Europe and it's condenseness! 

Anyway, the beach was very fun. We were in the Calais area on the British Channel, which at it's thinnest, is 22 miles across. It was pretty neat being able to see Great Britain over there! When we actually got to the beach (after hiking for at least 20 minutes) it was nice and sunny and the water was surprisingly warm. I was shocked. Especially, because, where we stopped to eat lunch was FREEZING! Though I can not logically explain the extreme shift in weather, I am very grateful and will not question it. 

To finish the night out, we went back to Belgium (Dunkerque) and had dinner on the beach. Actually, Dunkerque reminded me a little of Seaside, Oregon. It had the boardwalk and shops and people on bikes; it was more European, though no less tacky! 
Actually, it was really cool at night there with everything lit up. When we were walking on the beach, we could see lights from France and Great Britain. It was kinda like being in three places at once....but not really.

Fun Fact: In Belgium they these fish snack things that are like fruit roll ups.....but fish, not candy. They are orange and white and kinda look like cheese or something and they come in individually wrapped packages. You will probably be shocked to know that these are actually popular. Wanna hear something more shocking? I ate one.

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