Thursday, September 3, 2009

People need to be together as much as they need to eat.

So today was my second day of school.  I haven’t even been to all of my classes, yet I feel that already I’m in way over my head. To be honest, today wasn’t a good day. But I’m sure the last thing you want to read right now is another angsty teenager’s blog, so I’ll try to keep it matter-of-fact.

Seeing that I can’t speak much (not that I have many to even speak to) I keep a lot inside. It’s something I’m not yet used to. I don’t think I’ve ever thought this much in my life. I guess this sudden introversion is yielding some good, for I have made several realizations. Nothing earth shatteringly profound by any means. Just things that I suppose I’ve known all along, but have just now become clear…

I was trying to figure out why I am so homesick already. I’ve never really been homesick before, and I’ve been away many times. But I’ve realized that I’m not really homesick at all; I’m peoplesick. Friendsick. Familysick. (Ex-boyfriendsick. :C ) Every other time I’ve been away, I’ve been with family or close friends. I did’t miss home, because what is most important to me from home was with me. By George, I’ve cracked the code!

In the book I’m currently reading, one of the characters says, “People need to be together as much as they need to eat.”  Did it really take me halfway across the world to realize how true this simple statement really is? Why couldn’t I have discovered this earlier? Like they say, I guess one doesn’t realize what one has until it is gone…. or in my case, until one is gone.

I can already foresee that this is going to be a hard one to overcome.  Hopefully I make friends soon.

Anyway, moving on. School is hard. I’m getting booted from my English class. Haha. Which would have been my one easy class. My host mother thinks it’s because the teacher is worried that I might show her up. But let’s see. I think French is my favorite class so far. The teacher is really nice and I actually semi kept up with the work today. I was very proud of myself and I think I surprised the teacher! Haha, not all Americans are completely stupid! Geographie and religion…don’t even get me started. I think both subjects would be interesting…if only I understood French!

I all I have to say is thank God that I’ve already graduated!




FUN FACT: Students here are really organized. I mean, when they take notes they use rulers and write very neatly. Everything must be perfect! It’s really funny, the girl that I’ve become friends with, Flora(?), will rewrite her already neat notes in her down time. And they’re all highlighter crazy. Seriously. I’ve never seen so much neon in my life!

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