Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Ok so this is an attachment to my previous post...
Tonight at dinner, I went over my syllabi for my first two classes with my host parents and sister. 

If you thought I was afraid earlier, you should see me now. My history class is going to be hard....but i'll make it. My french class, however, is going to eat my lunch! I have lots of debate-formatted writing and responding to texts and such... it may not sound difficult, but the literature which we will be reading is extremely advanced. Mind you, it's intended for 18 year olds who have been speaking french and learning at a rigorous pace for their whole lives. My host mother suggests that I talk to the teacher and see if, at the beginning, I could read the book in English and respond in French.  I like that compromise. 

Amandine helped me figure out my planner and we think that the mystery class is geography... I'll find out tomorrow. 

Ugh, tomorrow is going to be a loooong day. But oddly enough, I feel up for the challenge. To tell you the truth, I'm more afraid of making friends than I am of my killer academic workload. Imagine that. Usually, I'm pretty outgoing and can make friends quite easily but here's proof of what a language barrier can do to someone!

Ah, j'ai fatigue´. Bonne nuit et souhaite-moi bonne chance! 

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